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vitamin C

Wearing daily SPF will help prevent premature skin ageing, wrinkles, pigmentation and… skin cancer!

The major risk factor for skin cancer is over exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun or sunbeds.
Your risk of developing it depends on your skin type. People with fair or freckled skin, a large number of moles, light coloured eyes and fair or red hair are most at risk. People with darker skin are less at risk, but not out of it!

While it often happens in adolescence, acne doesn’t necessarily stop once you’ve blown the candles out on your 20th birthday.
Acne is a common skin condition that causes spots. Some people have a mild form of acne, with only occasional spots or outbreaks. Others have more severe acne, with large areas of the face and body affected.
There are multiple factors that can contribute to spots, blocked pores and scarring – age, genetics, hormonal imbalances, medication, and lifestyle all play their part.
Active breakouts are frustrating enough, but the scars acne can leave behind can be frustrating.
It can affect how you feel about your appearance and cause low self-esteem.
Whether you’re a teen trying to manage frustrating breakouts or an adult experiencing hormonal or cystic acne, you have options available to you.
There are many treatments and products that can help you to get your skin back in balance and feeling amazing.
Everyone is different, and acne can vary hugely from person to person, so get your personalised advise by booking a FREE SKIN CONSULTATION
If you are in your 40s or early 50s when perimenopause can occur and you are starting to experience the common symptoms, then you may very well likely be in this stage of your life.
Hormonal changes during perimenopause can affect your skin in different ways:
• Breakouts (especially before and during your period)
• Skin that was previously balanced may start to get dry or oily patches
• Skin becoming less plump, leading to an increase in wrinkles
• Skin is drier as it loses moisture and hydration
• Some people experience rosacea and skin flushing
• Increased skin sensitivity
• Hyperpigmentation and discolouration
Contact us for an online skin consultation and find out the best skincare routine for your skin!

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© 2022 Created by Hollis Roberts